I've decided to do the Daily Shoot exercises for 2010. This is the blog to put all the pictures I take each day.

Daily Shoot can be found here.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Solar Panel & Tree

Solar Panel & Tree
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
This small solar panel runs our electric fence. There is a battery backup so the occasional shading from trees isn't a big issue. I wanted to get a picture of the sun but this was my best alternative. Solar energy is what drives all life on earth one way or another.

We get energy from a variety of sources. Make a photograph of the energy that's most important to you.

1 comment:

  1. Great picture.. Well, that's right - everything in this world is being powered by the sun, and it's actually a good thing that there are even people who are using our natural resources, thus, helping us with the environment..

