I've decided to do the Daily Shoot exercises for 2010. This is the blog to put all the pictures I take each day.

Daily Shoot can be found here.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
One of my favorite beverages, local beer from our local microbrewery. After today with the sheep I need this.

TGIF! To celebrate the end of the week, make an artistic shot of your favorite beverage or libation today.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Floor Dryer

Floor Dryer
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
We've had a major snow storm today and we've got ewes having lambs. So this is the front door, trying to dry out our outdoor clothing on our radiant floor heat.

As you walk through a door today, pick one at random, take a moment see what's around you and make a photo.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
First of the 2010 lambs finally arrived. More on the way. I tried to get a lambs eye view for this shot.

Ansel Adams said "A good photograph is knowing where to stand." Use your feet today to zoom or get a unique perspective.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Solar Panel & Tree

Solar Panel & Tree
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
This small solar panel runs our electric fence. There is a battery backup so the occasional shading from trees isn't a big issue. I wanted to get a picture of the sun but this was my best alternative. Solar energy is what drives all life on earth one way or another.

We get energy from a variety of sources. Make a photograph of the energy that's most important to you.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Official ID Tags

Official ID Tags
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
We put official tags in all of the sheep ears. This year we lost about 20% of the tags so I've been replacing them. They are made of plastic.

Plastic is everywhere. Make a photograph that illustrates a use of plastic in your life today.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Morning Light

Morning Light
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Most side lit pictures of Mt. Lamborn are at sunset. When I saw yesterday's DailyShoot I knew I wanted to get a sunrise one but it was too late. I got this shot after checking for new lambs this morning at dawn.

Challenge: Side lighting can emphasize texture and add depth to a photo. Make a dramatic photo with side lighting today.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Abstract Sheep

Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I played with a bunch of the photoshop settings to make things look like paintings. This is Paint Daubs. I liked it for the abstract nature of the black sheep on the green grass.

Experiment in the digital darkroom today. Make a photo and post-process it any way you like to unleash your creativity.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Back Porch in the rain.

Train your eye to look for repetition. Make a photo of a repeating subject while considering composition and DOF.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring Dandelions

Spring Dandelions
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
We had snow this morning so I was really thrilled to see these by the afternoon. l Used the macro function on my camera, only the second time I've used it.

Spring has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere. Make any photo that shows new life!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Live @ Revolution Brewing

My favorite music is live at Revolution Brewing. I like most anything Tonight's concert was Joe from Sugar-Free Blasphemy at Revolution Brewing in Paonia. Fun times in spite of the rain.

What's your favorite type of music? Make a photo today that in some way conveys your taste in music.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No Lambs Yet!

No Lambs Yet!
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
No lambs but certainly round enough for them. This is Desert Weyr Beatrix. I expect her to have twins in there.

Make a photo of something that isn't there.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Old Metal

Old Metal
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Our old hay rake.

It's metal Monday! Find a metallic subject today and make an interesting photo.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lamborn at Night

Lamborn at Night
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Not much to take when the stars aren't out and no lights nearby.

Challenge yourself with night photography today: heavenly bodies, cityscapes, landscapes, or where your muse leads you!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Post Office Posy

Post Office Posy
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Dropped mail off today and saw this out front.

Break a rule today! Centered composition is generally considered boring and taboo, but can be interesting. Try it!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Burning Brush

Burning Brush
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Vivid colors in the spring time here.

Bright, vivid colors can draw attention and add "pop" to a photo. Make a photo that has vivid colors today.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

P Hill

P Hill
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Like most small towns we have a school letter on a hill nearby. This one is at the end of Grand Avenue in town. We also have lots of orchards, ours was planted in the spring of 1905.

Every town, village, or city has distinguishing icons and landmarks. Make a photo of one wherever you are today.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Beer boiled bratwurst at the local brewery.

Can a picture suggest smell? Make a photograph of something that we can almost sniff and smell.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Coal vs Natural Gas

Coal vs Natural Gas
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Our valley has a lot of coal mines. It's what is called "compliance" coal because it is very clean burning. But new laws forcing coal burning power plants to switch to natural gas may spell even more unemployment and that affects everything in our rural area. The coal mines are the biggest tax payer and second largest employer after the school system. What hurts them will eventually hurt the rest of us, the fruit growers, ranchers and farmers who make up the rest of our community.

Pretend you're a stringer for your local newspaper today. Make a photo that captures something newsworthy to you.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
This is a piece of our cement mixer. I like the curves and colors.

Look for colors that complement each other and make a photo using complementary colors to full effect today.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Chasing Chickens

Chasing Chickens
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I spent almost an hour chasing after our chickens before finally getting a halfway decent shot. We have carefully selected breeds that are predator wary and unfortunately I guess I look like a predator so they kept racing away. I was tempted to take a picture of a different bird before this hen allowed me close enough for a shot.

Birds are beautiful and rewarding to photograph. Challenge yourself by making a photo of a bird today!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Pedicure

Spring Pedicure
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Part of the spring tune-up for the sheep. Toes trimmed. Today I did 30 sheep or 240 toenails.

Pretend words don’t exist, only images. Make a photo today that conveys a story to those who see your work.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Over the Shoulder

Over the Shoulder
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Ewe yearlings heading back to their pen for breakfast after getting official federal scrapie tags.

Make a photo without composing by looking through the viewfinder: over your head, from the hip, on the ground, etc.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Simple Gear - Treo Photo

My main camera is a simple Canon point and shoot. So for this challenge I used my cell phone camera. This is our livestock protection dog Kimball and some of his sheep.

Put down your big, fancy camera today. Fully engage your artistic side by making a photo with minimal gear.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Caren & Me

Caren & Me
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Sheep is Life, and this one is ready for a scratch. I wear a mask because I am allergic to the hay.

Henri-Cartier Bresson said "Photography is nothing – it's life that interests me." Make a photo that reflects this quote.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fast Wind on Garvin Mesa

We have a weather station. No way to show how fast this was moving, but yesterday we had 55 mph gusts and today the high wind speed has been over 40 mph. Yes, we have an error in our weather data on-line. We did not get 157 mph winds although it felt like it.

Speed or the sense of speed can add excitement to a photo. Make a photo of something going fast or that can go fast.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Blue Work

Blue Work
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
This is our sheep sweep, part of how we move sheep to a chute to be vaccinated, dewormed, tagged or other procedures.

Blue is the color of sky and water. Many call it the color of hope. Make a photo with blue and what it represents to you.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sleep makes me Very Happy!

Yesterday (yes I'm a day late in posting) the thing I saw that made me the happiest was my bed at the end of the day. So much so that I didn't even have the camera with me so took a picture this AM instead but the sentiment was from yesterday.

Sunday challenge: Create a photograph that makes you feel happy looking at it. Don't stop at good. Go for full on happy.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Scrapbook Paper

Scrapbook Paper
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I'm a scrapbooker as well as photographer. Here are my completed albums and the current page I am working on. Turning pixels into paper.

Paper is versatile and malleable. From napkins to origami, it's all around. Make a photo of something made of paper.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thrift Store Find

Thrift Store Find
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
This is a silk blazer I found at a local thrift store on my duct tape double. Finally altered with sleeves that fit me. I haven't worn it yet, perhaps tomorrow. Fashion is best when it's both well made and inexpensive. If you have to choose, choose well made.

Make a fashion photo today: a person modeling clothing, the clothes in your closet, an accessory that defines you, etc.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Enough to Drive One to Drink

Health Care is broken, it's enough to send one straight to the bar!

Health care is in the news and affects all of us one way or another. Illustrate your feeling about health care in a photo.