I've decided to do the Daily Shoot exercises for 2010. This is the blog to put all the pictures I take each day.

Daily Shoot can be found here.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Natural Chickens

Natural Chickens
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
It was a very dull grey day with no good light so I picked colorful chickens instead.

Look for the opportunity to photograph a subject or scene in natural light today. Pay careful attention to the exposure.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Green Grass

Green Grass
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
FINALLY! Snow is melting and the grass is growing. We are a month away from lambing so getting the pasture up and ready for sheep is critical.

Today's theme is the color green. Make a photograph dominated by green and post it.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Don't Touch My Sheep!

Don't Touch My Sheep!
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
One of our livestock protection dogs, Winnie, protecting her sheep.

Make a photograph today of something that produces a unique sound. Try to communicate that sound to the viewer.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Backlight Beer

Backlight Beer
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Revolution Brewing on Palm Sunday

Sunday Challenge: Backlighting in a scene can create drama. Make a photo with interesting placement of backlit subjects.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Beer Thirty

Beer Thirty
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
After a full day shearing sheep, this is the sidewalk I like to see!

Sidewalks are great for people watching. Make a photograph of a sidewalk scene today.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Shorn Sheep in Snow

Shorn Sheep in Snow
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
This isn't our flock but a flock Eifion did today. We shear our 135 Black Welsh Mountain sheep tomorrow.

Think of a subject that starts with either the letter "D" or "S". Find it, and make a photo!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Black and White

Black and White
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Today's assignment forced me to figure out how to put my camera into B&W mode. Had fun but couldn't find a really good contrasty thing to photograph so settled for the Mt. Lamborn standard shot.

Time to revisit a traditional photographic look. Make a black and white photo with high contrast today.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Beer is Food - Product Shot

My entry for :

Imagine you've been commissioned to photograph a product for a company's marketing dept. Give us your best product shot.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Staircase Angles

Staircase Angles
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Several angles in our staircase in out house.

Look for angles today: 90s, 45s, or any other combination of angles that make an interesting composition.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Shearing Floor Set-Up

Shearing Floor Set-Up
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Getting ready for shearing the sheep this Saturday. This is the sweep and floor for the shearer. 12:35 pm

Set an alarm for a random time today. Any time. When it goes off, pick up your camera and find a photo near where you are.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Outside Chess

Outside Chess
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Outside Chess - It's Spring when the chess games at Revolution Brewing move outside...

Sunday challenge: It's a new season (Spring up north, Fall down south). Make a photograph that illustrates the change.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Root Beer Float

Root Beer Float
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Liquid Inspiration at Scrapbook Retreat

Liquids can be still and reflective or in motion and chaotic. Make a photograph of something liquid today.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Low Angle Path

Low Angle Path
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I went to the Scrapbook Spring Retreat in Cedaredge. This is the path to the dorm rooms.

Change your angle today. Make a photo from 1' (30 cm) off the ground and post it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Almost a Trophy Rock

Almost a Trophy Rock
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Scarred by Backhoes but still here...

Find something that's so old it's almost timeless and make a photograph of it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

2 Minutes

2 Minutes
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Our mailbox is a 2 minute walk from the house.

Grab your camera and walk 2 minutes in any direction. Stop. Find a photo worth making from where you stopped and post it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
We had friends over for dinner. As I was putting things away I saw that we had 3 leftover crackers from the cheese and crackers appetizer. Best I could do on a day when the snow melted and things flooded.

Today's theme is "3". Make a photograph that features the number itself or otherwise represents 3 items.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tree Mouth

Tree Mouth
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
This is in our old willow tree in front of the guest house way up high.

Trees and plants are great photographic subjects. Make a photograph of a tree or plant today.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cat Eyes

Cat Eyes
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Very difficult for me. I couldn't figure out how to do it. This is my best shot.

Sunday challenge: Catchlights in the eyes make a portrait sing. Make a portrait of someone with catchlights in their eyes.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Garter Stitch Curves

Garter Stitch Curves
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I played more with pushing the exposure and getting really close on a garter stitch project. I love the bumpy curves of the handspun wool yarn.

Curves, squiggles, and flowing lines interest the eye. Make a photograph dominated by a curvy shape of some sort today.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Trio of Favorites

Trio of Favorites
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
It's like trying to pick your favorite kid, I can't choose. So I have my iPod Touch, my kindle and my Treo, now sadly relegated to 3rd place but used to be tops on the list.

Electronic gadgets pervade our world. You've probably got several. Make a photo of your favorite gadget today.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Breaking Rules

Breaking Rules
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
OK I didn't take this shot, I'm the subject. I'm knitting from a pattern but I didn't follow it. My yarn is not what was specified and I'm not even doing the same size. Rules are made to be broken.

"Rules" can be stifling if taken to extremes. Break the rules today with focus, composition, etc, and see what happens.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rural Street Scene

Rural Street Scene
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Dirt road, snow and mud. A rural version of a street scene.

Street scenes capture life on the go, be it a bustling city or a quaint village. Make a photo of a street scene today.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1927 Gordon VanTine Kit House

This is the restored Gordon Van Tine Kit House we use as a guest house on our farm. GVT was also the architect for Ward.

Most of us enjoy some symmetry in our lives. Look around for it today and make a symmetrical photo.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Blues

Monday Blues
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
The water faucet in our hay barn.

ake care of the Monday blues by picking up your camera. Make a photograph dominated by the color blue.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunrise, I guess

Sunrise, I guess
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
We often have beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Last night everything was cloudy so I took a chance and hoped it might be better for morning. This is east, snowed in. Can't see much of anything. Ah Well.

Sunday Challenge: Make a photo of a sunrise or sunset today.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Miners Memorial - Paonia Colorado

Our town has farms, ranches and coal mines. This memorial is to honor the miners who have been killed in our local mines. First name is Joonas Batki from 1906. Most recent is Jeremy Garcia from 2007. 28 people who died to give you energy, Think of them when you turn on your electric lights.

Lists guide an eye in a linear way: menus, recipes, etc. As you're out and about today, find a list and make a photo.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lamb Taco

Lamb Taco
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Our Black Welsh Mountain sheep meat and local lettuce stars of the dinner.

Food engages all the senses. Make a photograph of food that causes our mouth to water or pucker. Get the viewer engaged.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Afternoon Stripes

Afternoon Stripes
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Bike rack at Revolution Brewing.

Striped patterns have a natural pattern that catches the eye. Find some stripes today and make a photo.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

1965 Ford Super Dexta

Ford Super Dexta
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Runs well, we still use it on our farm.

Weathered objects have a lot of character: cracked, rusted, bleached, etc. Give us your best weathered shot today.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Camera Options

Camera Options
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Playing with both the macro and pushing the exposure on my camera.

Find out what those buttons and dials on your camera do. Play today! Try a new setting and make a photo.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
We don't go in for many sports. Ken skis though so here is my sports shot.

During the Olympics, we saw many images of sports. Make your own photo of a sports activity, gear, or spirit today.