I've decided to do the Daily Shoot exercises for 2010. This is the blog to put all the pictures I take each day.

Daily Shoot can be found here.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Ken working the snowblower to clear the passages between the barns and pens.

The rule of thirds is a time-honored composition guideline. Put it to use today in a photo.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winter Soft

Winter Soft
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Soft light filtered through the storm.

Make a photograph with as soft a light source as you can find or create.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cold Metal

Cold Metal
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Cold is the gate chain with fresh snow fallen while we were doing chores. It melts and freezes and can make the chain hard to open.

Illustrate coldness in a photograph today.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Horse Horizon

Horse Horizon
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
The only horizon today was formed by the horses and the pond.

Make a photograph that emphasizes the horizon today and post it.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

All is Calm, All is Bright

I actually took this on the 26th because I really wanted to get a sunrise for this shot.

Illustrate your idea of peace and harmony--or maybe just peace and quiet--today with a photograph.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Red Barn

Red Barn
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Our old red barn. We use it for the chickens and storage.

Today's color is red. Make a photograph dominated by the color and post it today.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Round Beverages

Round Beverages
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Beer and bubbles at Revolution Brewing.

Make a photograph of a circular or round object today.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Solstice - Sort Of

Solstice - Sort Of
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Normally Colorado is bright and sunny but it's been raining so we are grey and muddy instead. But it is the Solstice and light will start coming back now.

It's the solstice. Make a photo that captures the day for you wherever you are.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
We stack the hay so we can stay under cover and still feed the sheep. Ewes are on the left and hay on the right.

Make a photo of a hallway or passage and post it today.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Fences for sheep are made of all sorts of grid patterns.

Squares and grids surround us in our built environment. Focus in on some squares today and make a photograph.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pair of Sheep

Pair of Sheep
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
That's Wye Heights Latham in back and Desert Weyr Gwendolyn in front. A pair of sheep. The next few shots were not work or family safe. Lambs in 142 days we hope.

Make a photo of a pair of subjects today. People or inanimate objects are both fair game!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Coffee Emergency!

Coffee Emergency!
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I need my 2 cups of coffee in the morning brewed from fresh ground beans. Getting low causes me much anxiety.

What makes you anxious? Illustrate it in a photograph today.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Simple Egg

Simple Egg
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Even an egg can be very complex. The patterns and color on the shell are only a thin layer on the outside. You can scrub it off. Try it on your own eggs.

Make a photograph of a beautiful simple shape, such as an egg, today. Utilize lighting and focus to make it sing.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Strong Light & Distant Visitors

I did a farm tour for a group of Peruvian Weavers. They went in and were interested in both our sheep and our solar system. This was the only picture I got but I loved the sharp light in it.

Make a photograph today with strong direct light that casts crisp dark shadows.

Friday, December 3, 2010

T-Shirt Rug

T-Shirt Rug
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
My first attempt at a rag rug from old t-shirts. I think it looks nice even if it is small.

Double up on your art today. Make a photograph of something else that you've created or crafted.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Golden Ratio

Golden Ratio
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I tried to put points of interest in the ratio but it didn't work out as well as I hoped.

The Golden Ratio has been used in art for millennia. Use or illustrate the Golden Ratio in a photograph today.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Clean Ditch

Clean Ditch
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
A pleasing vista is a ditch cleaned when I didn't have to dig it. This is the back catch ditch and we had a trackhoe in to clean it out. It's not been cleaned for 20+ years.

The dictionary defines a vista as a pleasing view. Make a photo of a vista that pleases you today.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I am paranoid about wool moths so I keep all my yarns in plastic containers with mothballs. I try to keep the labels accurate but they are never perfect.

Containers, boxes, and packages. Make a photo with one or more as a subject and illustrate what they mean to you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
All of our parents have passed on and my brother in law lives far away. But my stepdad came to help at the Farmers' Market and is our closest family.

Make a photograph today that documents your family or conveys how you think of your family.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Have you ever tried to catch a picture of the baa of a hungry sheep?

Make a photograph today that visually communicates a sound. Your choice of sound, but do your best to make us "hear" it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One Peak

One Peak
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
A single element, Mount Lamborn. I never get tired of the view and this one had a lot of contrast with the new snow.

For the 1st assignment of @dailyshoot year 2, create a photo with a single element, no distractions, & lots of contrast.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weather Station

Weather Station
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
On a farm one of the most important gauges is the weather station. Weather determines everything. This sits in the dining room and we check it every morning. Data from the station are fed onto the web page with our local weather.

Gauges, meters, and turn signals are all indicators. Make a photograph of an indicator that catches your attention today.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I was actually able to use the macro function on my camera for this because Belinda is a very friendly sheep. I like how you can see the red coats and the hay barn reflected in her eye.

Sometimes, the best advice is to get closer. Today, get really close to your subject. Use a macro lens if you have one.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moving Hay

Moving Hay
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Carefully balanced.

There word balance has many meanings, literal and abstract. Pick one and make a photograph today.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Sheep

Halloween Sheep
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Yoda the Sheep in his lovely blaze orange coat.

The color of the day is orange. Make a photograph that is full of orange today.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Centered Bale

Centered Bale
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Center of the bale plus centered in the frame.

Make a photograph today that has a strongly centered composition.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reaching For Dinner

Reaching For Dinner
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Ewes are on diets so they are eager to reach in to the feeder when dinner is served.

Reaching up, reaching for, reaching out, or reaching in. Show the action of reaching in a photograph today.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

String Heddles

String Heddles
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I['m weaving again so have been spending more time in the shop. These are the heddles on the older floor loom, currently not warped but maybe soon.

Make a photograph today where vertical elements or lines dominate the scene.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gifford in Pink

Gifford in Pink
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Thursday is our regular day to deliver eggs to the brewery. Fortunately there was a high school game and everyone was asked to wear pink to the game instead of the school colors. I don't DO pink so I was glad to see Tom Gifford there to take a picture of.

October is breast cancer awareness month. Make a photo of something pink to support the cause.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Partially Crafted

Partially Crafted
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
First weaving on the new big loom, partially started. The strip is from when I remembered how to weave weft faced rugs.

Double your art today. Make a photo of something you've created or crafted.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Curved Lines

Curved Lines
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I sell horns for making shepherd crooks, shofar, knife handles and buttons. These are some of the curved horns from our butcher rams waiting to be sold.

Make a photograph of a curved line or spherical surface today.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pond Edge

Pond Edge
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
We had the cattails cleaned out of the pond so you can finally see the pond edge.

Make a photograph of an edge of something today. The edge of a knife, the waters edge, or some other edge.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fiery Dragon

Fiery Dragon
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I wanted to go over to a friends house and photograph some forge welding or blacksmithing but never got the chance. So this dragon is something that might have used fire at one time. It's a stuffed knitted toy a friend made for us.

Fire is dramatic, as it its effect. Make a picture of a flame or something changed by fire or flame. (@btusdin)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stairway to Fun

Stairway to Fun
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
This is the long stairway up to the second floor of the shop, where my looms are.

Stairs and ramps lead the eye and take us places. Make a photo of a stair or ramp that you see today. (@Melhutch)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Black & Red

Black & Red
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
One of the ewes, in winter corrals and wearing a nice new red coat. I've been sewing like mad!

Let's start out the new week by making a photo with a red point of interest. Make sure your subject really stands out.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cleaning Ditches

Cleaning Ditches
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Watching the trackhoe clean out the catch ditch from the shop window. Best I could do for high up viewpoint.

Make a photograph today of an interesting subject with as vertical or high a point of view as you can manage.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Warm Room

Warm Room
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Most bathrooms seem cold and sterile. I love our downstairs bathroom with its cedar shower stall.

Bathrooms are full of hard surfaces, textures, and personal implements. Find an inspiring photograph in a bathroom today.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

North Fork Horizon

North Fork Horizon
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Grass is gone and the trees are changing color. Our horizon view is always changing.

Make a photograph that emphasizes the horizon. It's your choice whether to place it on the third lines or to center it.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cleaning the Barn

Cleaning the Barn
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Red & Green and a lot of dust from cleaning out the chicken dust in the red barn.

Make a photograph that plays two complementary colors off of each other today. See http://bit.ly/9L0FAS.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Garden Bounty

Garden Bounty
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
The simplest of garden pleasures. A lovely vine ripe tomato.

Simplicity is economy. Make the simplest photograph you can today. Take things out until you can't remove anything else.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Large Economy Size

Large Economy Size
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
One of the welders we use on the farm.

Power plugs are ubiquitous. Can you make a creative photo of such a common thing? Try it today!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Divider Fence

Divider Fence
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
This divider fence separates the orchard into the east and west halves. We use it to limit how much grazing the sheep have more easily.

Fences and walls can divide or demarcate. Make a creative photo of a fence or wall today (@muffett68)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Guilty Pleasure

Guilty Pleasure
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Bejeweled is my guilty pleasure. Mindless but fun!

Make a photograph that shows an interpretation of your favorite indulgence or guilty pleasure. (@PrimalPhil)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Banned Books

Banned Books
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
The American Library Association's Banned Books Week is from 25 Sept to 2 October. Here are just some of the books in my shelves that have been banned at one time or another. How many times must we repeat this before we learn that banning ideas does not make them go away and freedom demands the right to read anything you want!

Make a photo of an interesting stack of books or magazines. Consider how you handle repeating lines in your composition.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Kona has nearly perfectly matching horns. Too bad he doesn't like to pose very well.

Symmetry can be calm and soothing. Make a photo today featuring symmetry, either in subject or composition. (@logista)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chaotic Storage

Chaotic Storage
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Fleeces, sorted by sheep name ready to go to the wool mill. Chaotic but soon to be beautiful yarn.

Communicate chaos, disorganization or messiness in a photograph. Find some beauty in it. (@divadeb88)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Truck Mirror

Truck Mirror
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I wanted to do something completely different so I kept looking for a mirror in an odd place. The bright sun off the truck hood seemed the right picture to me.

Use a mirror as part of a composition in a photograph today. Show yourself in the image if you'd like!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chicken Feather

Chicken Feather
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Our hens are molting right now. This means among other things, that we are getting very few eggs and there are feathers everywhere.

Make a photograph of something that is soft, or at least looks that way. Convince the viewer of the softness.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pocket Knife

Pocket Knife
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
This one lives in my coat pocket. Every farmer always carries a knife, I usually have at least 2 on my person at all times.

Some carry a talisman, amulet, "lucky charm", or just a comforting thing in our pocket. What do you carry? (@btusdin)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Big & Little

Big & Little
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
My 2 floor looms. The smaller 4 harness and the huge soon to be 8 harness one. Empty and forlorn but soon to be working again.

Make a photo of two complementary objects arranged in a pleasing composition, one large and one small.