I've decided to do the Daily Shoot exercises for 2010. This is the blog to put all the pictures I take each day.

Daily Shoot can be found here.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Golden Ratio

Golden Ratio
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I tried to put points of interest in the ratio but it didn't work out as well as I hoped.

The Golden Ratio has been used in art for millennia. Use or illustrate the Golden Ratio in a photograph today.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Clean Ditch

Clean Ditch
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
A pleasing vista is a ditch cleaned when I didn't have to dig it. This is the back catch ditch and we had a trackhoe in to clean it out. It's not been cleaned for 20+ years.

The dictionary defines a vista as a pleasing view. Make a photo of a vista that pleases you today.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I am paranoid about wool moths so I keep all my yarns in plastic containers with mothballs. I try to keep the labels accurate but they are never perfect.

Containers, boxes, and packages. Make a photo with one or more as a subject and illustrate what they mean to you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
All of our parents have passed on and my brother in law lives far away. But my stepdad came to help at the Farmers' Market and is our closest family.

Make a photograph today that documents your family or conveys how you think of your family.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Have you ever tried to catch a picture of the baa of a hungry sheep?

Make a photograph today that visually communicates a sound. Your choice of sound, but do your best to make us "hear" it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One Peak

One Peak
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
A single element, Mount Lamborn. I never get tired of the view and this one had a lot of contrast with the new snow.

For the 1st assignment of @dailyshoot year 2, create a photo with a single element, no distractions, & lots of contrast.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weather Station

Weather Station
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
On a farm one of the most important gauges is the weather station. Weather determines everything. This sits in the dining room and we check it every morning. Data from the station are fed onto the web page with our local weather.

Gauges, meters, and turn signals are all indicators. Make a photograph of an indicator that catches your attention today.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
I was actually able to use the macro function on my camera for this because Belinda is a very friendly sheep. I like how you can see the red coats and the hay barn reflected in her eye.

Sometimes, the best advice is to get closer. Today, get really close to your subject. Use a macro lens if you have one.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moving Hay

Moving Hay
Originally uploaded by Oogie McGuire
Carefully balanced.

There word balance has many meanings, literal and abstract. Pick one and make a photograph today.